
definitions of bacteremia


  • ≥2 sets BCx prior to → abx (set = aerobic + aneaerobic cx) at ↣ separate puncture sites
  • If proven bacteremia,
    • daily surveillance cxs until 48 hrs of ⊖ cxs.
    • May not need for GNRs (ClD 2017;65:1776).
  • if concern for endocarditis (see IE section)
    • TTE/TEE
  • if yeast is → growing in BCx
    • TTE and
    • urgent ophthalmology evaluation

Treatment (CID 2009;49:1; JAMA 2020;323:2160)

  • Empiric abx based on Gram stain, cx, & clinical syndrome, then → tailor based on sensitivities
  • Short-Term Central Venous Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infxns
  • Persistently ⊕ BCx: remove CVCs, look for metastatic infxn (endocarditis, septic arthritis, osteo), infected thrombosis, or prosthetic material (vascular graft, PPM)


Lab 報長 GBC in cluster/chain: 當下處理:先抽一對:再加 Teico/Vanc