Esophageal or gastric varices


(Clin Gastro Hepatol 2015;13:2109; J Gastro Hepatol 2016;31:1519; Hep 2017;65:310)

See “cirrhosis

2° to portal HTN. If isolated gastric → r/o splenic vein thrombosis.


  • Start octreotide pending EGD if suspect varices: Rx for 2–5 d

  • Abx: 20% cirrhotics p/w GIB have infxn, & ~50% develop infxn during hospitalization;

ppx antibiotics w/ IV

CTX, cipro, or levoflox × 7 d


* Esophageal varices:

endoscopic band ligation (>90% success). Covered esophageal stent placement or balloon tamponade if refractory as bridge to TIPS (consider early espec. if Child-Pugh score C).