

  • Delayed gastric emptying w/o mechanical obstruction, typically p/w nausea (>90%), vomiting (>80%), early satiety (60%), postprandial fullness/pain

  • Etiol: DM, post-surg, post-viral, crit. illness, Parkinson’s, opiates, CCB, anti-cholin, idiopath

  • Dx: r/o mechanical cause then gastric emptying scintigraphy; (⊕ if retained solids >4 h)

  • Treatment: prokinetics (metoclopramide or erythromycin), antiemetics for sx; feeding tube if refractory; consider pyloromyotomy, botox injection, pyloroplasty, or gastric stimulator

Nat Rev Dis Primers 2018;4:41 Gastroparesis.

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  1. Gastroparesis is a condition characterized by delayed gastric emptying without mechanical obstruction.

  2. The most common causes of gastroparesis are diabetes mellitus, post-surgical states, post-viral states, critical illness, Parkinson’s disease, and use of opiates, calcium channel blockers, and anticholinergic medications.

  3. The diagnosis of gastroparesis is made by ruling out mechanical causes of delayed gastric emptying, such as obstruction, and then performing a gastric emptying scintigraphy.

  4. Treatment of gastroparesis typically involves the use of prokinetic medications (such as metoclopramide or erythromycin), as well as antiemetics for symptom relief. In some cases, a feeding tube may be required for patients who are refractory to medical therapy.

  5. Other potential treatments for gastroparesis include pyloromyotomy, botulinum toxin injection, pyloroplasty, or gastric electrical stimulation.


  1. 胃輕癱是一種以胃排空延遲而無機械性梗阻為特徵的病症。

  2. 胃輕癱的最常見原因是糖尿病、手術後狀態、病毒感染後狀態、危重疾病、帕金森病以及使用阿片類藥物、鈣通道阻滯劑和抗膽鹼能藥物。

  3. 胃輕癱的診斷是通過排除胃排空延遲的機械原因,如梗阻,然後進行胃排空顯像。

  4. 胃輕癱的治療通常包括使用促胃腸動力藥物(如甲氧氯普胺或紅黴素),以及用於緩解症狀的止吐藥。在某些情況下,對藥物治療無效的患者可能需要飼管。

  5. 胃輕癱的其他潛在治療方法包括幽門肌切開術、肉毒桿菌毒素注射、幽門成形術或胃電刺激。