
extraintestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease

Rheumatologic disorders (5–20%)
Peripheral arthritis

Asymmetric, migratory

Parallels bowel activity

Reduce bowel inflammation

Symmetric: spine and hip joints

Independent of bowel activity

Steroids, injections, methotrexate, anti-TNF
Ankylosing spondylitis

Gradual fusion of spine

Independent of bowel activity

Two-thirds have HLA-B27 antigen

Physical therapy, steroids, injections, methotrexate, anti-TNF, IL-17 inhibitors, tofacitinib
Metabolic bone disorders (up to 40% of patients)

Risk increased by glucocorticoids, cyclosporine, methotrexate, total parenteral nutrition, malabsorption, and inflammation

Fracture rates highest in the elderly (age >60)

Screening with DEXA scan, check vitamin D levels, treat if osteoporosis or osteopenia on long-term corticosteroids
OsteonecrosisDeath of osteocytes and adipocytes and eventual bone collapse; affects hips more than knees or shoulders; risk factor is steroid usePain control, injections, joint replacement
Dermatologic disorders (10–20%)
Erythema nodosum

Hot, red, tender, nodules/extremities

Parallels bowel activity

Reduce bowel inflammation
Pyoderma gangrenosum

Ulcerating, necrotic lesions on extremities, trunk, face, stoma

Independent of bowel activity

Antibiotics, steroids, cyclosporine, infliximab, dapsone, azathioprine, intralesional steroids; not debridement or colectomy
PsoriasisUnrelated to bowel activityTopical steroids, light therapy, methotrexate, infliximab, adalimumab, ustekinumab
Pyoderma vegetans

Intertriginous areas

Parallels bowel activity

Evanescent; resolves without progression
Pyostomatitis vegetans

Mucous membranes

Parallels bowel activity

Evanescent; resolves without progression
Metastatic Crohn’s disease (CD)

CD of the skin

Parallels bowel activity

Reduce bowel inflammation
Sweet syndrome

Neutrophilic dermatosis

Parallels bowel activity

Reduce bowel inflammation
Aphthous stomatitis

Oral ulcerations

Parallels bowel activity

Reduce bowel inflammation/topical therapy
Ocular disorders (1–11%)

Ocular pain, photophobia, blurred vision, headache

Independent of bowel activity

Topical or systemic steroids

Mild ocular burning

Parallels bowel activity

Topical corticosteroids
Hepatobiliary disorders (10–35%)
Fatty liverSecondary to chronic illness, malnutrition, steroid therapyImprove nutrition, reduce steroids

Patients with ileitis or ileal resection

Malabsorption of bile acids, depletion of bile salt pool, secretion of lithogenic bile

Reduce bowel inflammation; cholecystectomy in symptomatic patients
Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)

Intrahepatic and extrahepatic

Inflammation and fibrosis leading to biliary cirrhosis and hepatic failure

7–10% cholangiocarcinoma

Small-duct PSC involves small-caliber bile ducts and has a better prognosis

ERCP/high-dose ursodiol lowers risk of colonic neoplasia; cholecystectomy in patients with gallbladder polyps due to the high incidence of malignancy
Nephrolithiasis (10–20%)CD patients following small-bowel resection; calcium oxalate stones most commonLow-oxalate diet; control of bowel inflammation; surgical intervention
Less common extraintestinal manifestations
Thromboembolic disordersIncreased risk of venous and arterial thrombosis; factors responsible include abnormalities of the platelet-endothelial interaction, hyperhomocysteinemia, alterations in the coagulation cascade, impaired fibrinolysis, involvement of tissue factor–bearing microvesicles, disruption of the normal coagulation system by autoantibodies, and a genetic predispositionAnticoagulation; control of inflammation
CardiopulmonaryEndocarditis, myocarditis, pleuropericarditis, interstitial lung diseaseTreatment is varied; stop 5-ASA agents as they can rarely cause interstitial lung disease
Systemic amyloidosisSecondary (reactive) in long-standing IBD, especially CDColchicine
PancreatitisDuodenal fistulas, ampullary CD, gallstones, PSC, drugs (MP, azathioprine, 5-ASAs), autoimmune, primary CD of the pancreasTreatment is varied; stop offending medication; diagnose and treat with ERCP and/or cholecystectomy