
🌱 來自: DCIS and LCIS


  • Characteristics
    • No penetration of the basement membrane
    • Preceded by ductal atypia
    • Frequently appears as a pattern of grouped microcalcifications on mammography
    • Higher risk of subsequent ipsilateral invasive carcinoma
  • ∼15-50% will progress to invasive breast CA if untreated
  • Tx:
    • WE or total
    • Active surveillance, lumpectomy w/o SLN bx + RT, mastectomy ± SLN bx. ER+
    • if do WE then Tamoxifen 20mg QD x 5 years for ER (+)*
      • DCIS: Tam (premenopausal), tam or AI (postmenopausal),
        • no ↑ survival but reduces risk of ipsi- & contralateral recurrence (Cochrane 2012; Lancet 2016;387:849)
      • Primary results, NSABP B-35 _NRG Oncology: A clinical trial of anastrozole vs tamoxifen in postmenopausal patients with DCIS undergoing lumpectomy plus radiotherapy A randomized clinical trial