
(NEJM 2018;378:270) Call poison control for guidance (02-28757525-821 北榮毒物科)

參考➡️ Toxic alcohols


  • Hepatitis
  • Salicylates
  • Fever, tachycardia, tinnitus; met. acid. + resp. alkalosis


  • ΔMS, blurred vision, pupillary dilation, papilledema

Ethylene glycol

  • ΔMS, cardiopulm. failure, hypoCa. Ca oxalate crystals → AKI. Urine fluoresces under UV light.

Propylene glycol

  • AKI, liver injury

Diethylene glycol

  • AKI, N/V, pancreatitis, neuropathy, lactic acidosis

Isopropyl alcohol

  • ΔMS, fruity breath (acetone), pancreatitis, lactic acidosis


  • Alcoholic fetor, ΔMS, hepatitis; keto + lactic acidosis ± met. alk. (vomiting)

Explain by ChatGPT

1. Acetaminophen

-Can cause hepatits -Can cause salicylates -Fever, tachycardia, tinnitus, and metabolic acidosis + respiratory alkalosis are symptoms

2. Methanol

-Can cause Delta MS -Symptoms include: blurred vision, pupillary dilation, and papilledema

3. Ethylene glycol

-Can cause Delta MS -Symptoms include: cardiopulmonary failure and hypocalcemia. Ca oxalate crystals can cause AKI. Urine fluoresces under UV light.

4. Propylene glycol

-Can cause AKI and liver injury

5. Diethylene glycol

-Can cause AKI, N/V, pancreatitis, neuropathy, and lactic acidosis

6. Isopropyl alcohol

-Can cause Delta MS -Symptoms include: fruity breath (acetone), pancreatitis, and lactic acidosis

7. Ethanol

-Can cause alcoholic fetor, Delta MS, and hepatitis. -Keto + lactic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis (vomiting) are possible symptoms.


1. 對乙酰氨基酚


  • 可引起水楊酸鹽 -發熱、心動過速、耳鳴、代謝性酸中毒+呼吸性鹼中毒為症狀

2. 甲醇

  • 可能導致 Delta MS -症狀包括:視力模糊、瞳孔散大和視乳頭水腫


  • 可能導致 Delta MS -症狀包括:心肺功能衰竭和低鈣血症。草酸鈣結晶可引起 AKI。尿液在紫外線下會發出熒光。


-可引起 AKI 和肝損傷


-可引起 AKI、N/V、胰腺炎、神經病和乳酸性酸中毒

6. 異丙醇

  • 可能導致 Delta MS -症狀包括:果味呼吸(丙酮)、胰腺炎和乳酸性酸中毒

7. 乙醇

-可引起酒精性惡臭、Delta MS 和肝炎。 -酮症+乳酸性酸中毒和代謝性鹼中毒(嘔吐)是可能的症狀。