
🌱 來自: Huppert’s Notes

Other Diseases Affecting Renal Tubular Absorption🚧 施工中

Other Diseases Affecting Renal Tubular Absorption

Renal papillary necrosis

•   Etiology: Poor medullary perfusion resulting in ischemia and necrosis. Most often bilateral. Caused by vascular disease (diabetes), vasoconstriction (NSAIDs), vascular occlusion (sickle cell).

•   Treatment: Stop offending agent, treat the underlying disease

Hartnup Syndrome

•   Etiology: Rare autosomal recessive inborn error of amino acid metabolism. Impaired amino acid absorption in the gut and proximal renal tubule causing variable losses of proteins (e.g., tryptophan).

•   Clinical features: Variable. Can be similar to pellagra: Dermatitis, diarrhea, ataxia, psychiatric findings

•   Diagnosis: Elevated amino acids in the urine

•   Treatment: Supplemental nicotinamide if symptomatic

Fanconi Syndrome

•   Etiology: Primary (idiopathic) or secondary proximal tubule dysfunction causing defective transport of glucose, amino acids, Na+, K+, phosphorus, uric acid, bicarb. Causes include genetic (Wilson’s disease, galactosemia), acquired damage from heavy metals, connective tissue disorders, hematologic malignancies (monoclonal gammopathy), and medications (tenofovir, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors).

•   Clinical features: Glucosuria, phosphaturia (rickets, osteomalacia), proteinuria, polyuria, dehydration, hypercalciuria, hypokalemia

•   Treatment: Treat the underlying cause if possible. Electrolyte and vitamin D supplementation may be required.