
(Am Heart J 2004;148:80)

參考➡️ Electrocardiographic poor R-wave progression: analysis of multiple criteria reveals little usefulness

  • Definition: loss of anterior forces w/o frank Q waves (V1–V3); R wave in V3 ≤3 mm

  • Etiologies: old anteroseptal MI (w/ R wave V3 ≤1.5 mm, ± persistent ST ↑ or TWI V2 & V3)

LVH (delayed RWP w/ ↑ left precordial voltage); RVH; COPD (may also have RAA, RAD, limb lead QRS amplitude ≤5 mm, SISIISIII w/ R/S ratio <1 in those leads)

LBBB; WPW; clockwise rotation of the heart; lead misplacement; CMP; PTX

名詞解釋: concordance 一致