
🌱 來自: infectious disease

consult of infectious disease

I’ve visited this patient and reviewed relevant history.

Infectious diagnosis: septicemia (shock), probably secondary to urinary tract infections (UTI) (ecmphysematous cystitis?), E. coli (08/05)


  • antimicrobial agent(s): revised to ceftriaxone as pathogen-directive therapy (de-escalation), 2 gm qd
  • pursue data: 08/05, 08/06, 08/07.
  • further workup: N/A.
  • indicators of treatment response:
    • s/s: body temp.
    • lab.: urinalysis.
  • antibiotics duration: according to treatment response, survey result(s).

  • Catheter before this episode: none.
  • In-patient care in recent 90 days: none.
  • Antibiotics course (this episode): ceftazidime 1, piperacillin/tazobactam1, meropenem + vancomycin 08/05 ~
  • ADR/Allergy to antibiotics: none.