ECG: nonspecific, AF common (up to 33%) in advanced cases
Widespread concave ST elevation
No convex or horizontal ST elevation
ST elevation in II > III
Widespread PR depression
STdepression and PR elevation in aVR + V1
No ST depression in any lead other than avR or v1
Spodick’s sign positive
downsloping of TP segment
CXR: calcification (MTb most common), espec in lateral view (although not specific)
Echocardiogram: ± thickened pericardium, “septal bounce” = abrupt displacement of septum during rapid filling in early diastole
Cardiac catheterization:
atria w/ Ms or Ws (prominent x and y descents)
ventricles: dip-and-plateau or square-root sign (rapid ↓ pressure at onset of diastole, rapid ↑ to early plateau)
discordance between LV & RV pressure peaks during respiratory cycle (Circ 1996;93:2007)
RA and LA filling pressures ↑
Atrial pressure (想像一下頸靜脈波形):M or W waveform(就是很明顯 的 x & y descents).
Ventricle pressure: Dip-and-plateau sign or NB:square root pattern.
CT or MRI: thickened pericardium (>4 mm; Se ~80%) w/ tethering (Circ 2011;123:e418)