Primary immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)

(Blood 2010;115:168)

  • Isolated thrombocytopenia due to immune plt destruction (auto-Ab to plts) & ↓ production (auto-Ab to megakaryocytes) without precipitant

  • Clinical manifestations: insidious onset of mucocutaneous bleeding; ♀:♂ = 3:1

Diagnosis of exclusion

(r/o 2° ITP); no robust clinical or lab parameters, but typically:

  • CBC: isolated ↓ plt (<100,000/µL); 10% have ITP + AIHA = Evans syndrome
  • Peripheral smear: large platelets (not specific), r/o pseudothrombocytopenia
  • BM bx: ↑ megakaryocytes, nl cellularity. Consider if other CBC or smear abnl or diagnostic uncertainty (Blood 2011;117:4910).
  • ✓ HBSAg & anti-HBc prior to rituximab (and before IVIg, which could alter results)


Post-splenectomy vaccinations needed. (Blood Adv 2019;3:3829; Eur J Haem 2018;100:304)