
🌱 來自:bioinfo


  • somatic variant calling is used to study diseases like cancer
  • In somatic variant calling, the reference is a related tissue from the same individual (e.g., healthy tissue in the case of cancer).
  • Here, we expect to see genetic mosaicism between cells or presence of more than one genetic line as a result of genetic mutations.

There are several types of genetic variation studies but generally they can be classified into

  • (i) Genome-wide association studies (GWASs)
  • (ii) studies on consequences of variants
    • Clinical functional consequences are represented by a simple controlled vocabulary that defines the relative pathogenicity of a variant,
      • such as benign,
      • likely benign,
      • uncertain significance,
      • likely pathogenic, or
      • pathogenic.
  • (iii) Population genetics

Allele frequencies are also influenced by the random genetic drift. This process explains the fluc- tuation in allele frequencies from one generation to another.