Microbiology-necrotizing soft-tissue infections

Necrotizing soft tissue infections = NSTI

Type I:

  • polymicrobial (mixed aerobes & anaerobes), typically in older Pts w/ above RFs. Fournier’s gangrene involves genitalia and/or perineum
    • 第一型是多菌種,老人家、有很多Risk factor
    • 如果有爛到會陰部,叫Fournier’s gangrene
  • Head and neck NSTI evolve from oral flora including anaerobes
    • 同頸部會包含一些oral flora and anaerobes

Type II:

  • monomicrobial, usually group A strep,
  • less likely Staph, Vibrio, Aero.;
  • a/w TSS: Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome

Clostridial myonecrosis (gas gangrene):

  • C. perfringens; C. septicum (large Gram ⊕ rods w/ blunt ends on Gram stain). A/w traumatic wounds that create an anaerobic environment ideal for Clostridia.
    • 梭菌性肌壞死(氣性壞疽)