Collagen vascular diseases

(Chest 2013;143:814)

  • Rheumatologic disease

Scleroderma: ILD in ~50%; PHT seen in ~10% of Pts with limited disease

PM-DM: ILD & skin/muscle findings; MCTD: PHT & fibrosis; Sjogren’s: ILD & sicca sx

SLE & RA: pleuritis and pleural effusions more often than ILD; SLE can cause DAH

  • Vasculitis (can p/w DAH)

Granulomatosis w/ polyangiitis (GPA): ⊕ c-ANCA w/ necrotizing granulomas

Eosinophilic GPA (EGPA): ⊕ c- or p-ANCA w/ eosinophilia & necrotizing granulomas

Microscopic polyangiitis: ⊕ p-ANCA w/o granulomas

  • Goodpasture’s syndrome = DAH + RPGN; typically in smokers; ⊕ anti-GBM in 90%

  • Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM): cystic, ↑ in ♀, Rx w/ sirolimus (NEJM 2011;364:1595)

來自: interstitial lung disease