Approach to oxygenation, hypoxemia, and hypoxemic respiratory failure

Common misconceptions and mistakes

  • Hypoxemia is a significant cause of dyspnea
  • A cutaneous O 2 sat ≥ 92% predicts adequate oxygenation and is the appropriate target for O 2 orders
  • 100% O 2 suppresses respiratory drive in CO 2 retainers
  • O 2 supplementation for patients with COPD is given to improve exercise tolerance
  • Confusing failure of oxygen delivery to tissues, hypoxia (the job of the circulatory system) with hypoxemia, and failure to maintain an adequate Pa o 2 (the job of the respiratory system)


  • 低氧血症是導致呼吸困難的重要原因
  • 皮膚 O 2 sat ≥ 92% 預示氧合充足,是 O 2 級的合適目標
  • 100% O 2 抑制 CO 2 保持器中的呼吸驅動
  • 為 COPD 患者補充 O 2 以提高運動耐量
  • 將無法向組織輸送氧氣、缺氧(循環系統的工作)與低氧血症以及無法維持足夠的 Pa o 2(呼吸系統的工作)相混淆
