
ileus vs small bowel obstruction

  • ileus defined as nonmechanical obstruction of bowel usually secondary to inhibition of peristalsis.

KUB showing air in small and large bowel suggesting an ileus.

  • Small bowel obstruction defined as mechanical obstruction of small bowel due to adhesions, mass, volvulus or other internal or external compression.

KUB showing dilated small bowel loops with minimum air in colon suggesting small bowel obstruction

Explain by ChatGPT

  • Ileus is a nonmechanical obstruction of the bowel, while small bowel obstruction is a mechanical obstruction of the small bowel.

  • Ileus is usually secondary to inhibition of peristalsis, while small bowel obstruction is due to adhesions, mass, volvulus, or other internal or external compression.


  • 腸梗阻是一種非機械性腸梗阻,而小腸梗阻是一種機械性小腸梗阻。

  • 腸梗阻通常繼發於蠕動抑制,而小腸梗阻是由於粘連、腫塊、腸扭轉或其他內部或外部壓迫所致。