Recommended Chronic Therapy by HF Stage

(JACC 2021;77:772)

  • Utility of BNP-guided Rx (inPt and outPt) remains debated (Eur Heart J 2014;35:16)
  • Implantable PA pressure sensor in sx Pts: ~19-37% ↓ risk of hosp (Lancet 2016;387:453 & 2021;398:991)

Stage (not NYHA Class) Therapy

  • A

    • at ↣ risk for HF (eg, HTN); but asx & w/o struct. dis.
    • Rx HTN, lipids, DM;
      • stop smoking, EtOH;
      • ↑ exercise
  • B

    • ⊕ Struct. heart dis.
    • (eg, CMP, LVH), but asx
    • As per stage A + ACEI/ARB + βB if MI/CAD or ↓ EF. ? ICD.
  • C

    • ⊕ Struct. heart dis.
    • ⊕ Any h/o Sx of HF
    • As per stage A + diuretics, ↓ Na.
    • If ↓ EF:
      • ARNI, ACEI or ARB;
      • βB;
      • aldo antag;
      • SGLT2i;
      • ICD;
      • ? CRT;
      • ± nitrate/hydral;
      • ± dig.
    • If preserved EF:
      • ? ARNI;
      • ? aldo antag: Eplerenone (Inspra) Spirinolactone (Aldactone)
      • SGLT2i
  • D

    • Refractory HF requiring specialized interventions
    • All measures for stages A-C. Consider IV inotropes, VAD, transplant, end-of-life care (4-y mortality >50%)