Rhythm control

(Lancet 2016;388:829)

參考 ➡️ Rhythm control in atrial fibrillation

  • Consider if sx w/ rate control (eg, HF), difficult to control rate, or tachycardia-mediated CMP
  • If minimally sx or asx, previously no clear benefit vs. rate control (NEJM 2008;358:2667)
  • For recent AF (~1 mo), rhythm-control w/ AAD (flecainide, amio) & cardioversion (if persist. AF) superior to usual care for achieving SR and ↓ adverse CV events (NEJM 2020;383:1305)

參考 ➡️ Early rhythm-control therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation

- Early rhythm-control therapy was associated with a lower risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes than usual care among patients with early atrial fibrillation and cardiovascular conditions. 
  • Funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research and others;
  • EAST-AFNET 4 ISRCTN number, ISRCTN04708680. opens in new tab;
  • ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01288352. opens in new tab;
  • EudraCT number, 2010-021258-20. opens in new tab.