Diagnostic evaluation-hemolytic anemias

  • ↑ retic count (RI >2%),

  • ↑ LDH,

  • ↓ hapto (83% Se, 96% Sp),

  • ↑ indirect bili,

  • ✓ vit C & Cu

  • Autoimmune hemolysis

Location of hemolysis

(many conditions can include components of both)


RBC destruction in vessels (shear by mech valve, DIC, toxins); assoc. w/ hemoglobinemia, hemoglobinuria, hemosiderinuria,

  • ↑↑ LDH, ↓ haptoglobin.


more common cause. Mϕ clear damaged/opsonized RBC; splenomegaly (reticuloendothelial expansion in spleen, liver, BM, LNs);

  • ↑ LDH ↓ hapto
  • Family h/o anemia; personal or family h/o cholelithiasis