🌱 來自: breast cancer
Approach to Palpable breast mass
- Involves clinical assessment, radiographic imaging, and, if necessary, biopsy
- In the case of a confirmed breast cancer diagnosis, imaging of both breasts, receptor and tumor marker testing, and staging of the mass should be performed.
- age of patient
- FNA for < 30 or Mammography > 30y
- Core needle biopsy
- WE
Clinical assessment
- Certain constellations of characteristics should raise suspicion for malignancy in a breast lesion and warrant further assessment.
- If the cancerous lesion is detectable by palpation, a stage II tumor or higher (size > 2 cm) is very likely.
- Women < 30 years of age should undergo breast ultrasound; higher breast tissue density makes detection of breast abnormalities with mammography more difficult.
- Women ≥ 30 years of age should undergo mammography.
- Ultrasound findings of benign and malignant breast lesions
- Mammography findings of benign and malignant breast lesions
- FNA for breast cancer
- CNB for breast cancer