
🌱來自: urothelial carcinoma

Cancers of the renal pelvis and ureter

Upper tract dz can also be multifocal (drop met), Histology: Urothelial CA (>90%) > SCC > adenoCA. Smoking & occupational exposure risks. Can be seen in Lynch syn Dx w/ direct ureteroscopy & bx (brushings + urine cytology if no obvious 1°) Tx of localized dz is nephroureterectomy w/ bladder cuff excision ± regional LND ± systemic chemo for high-grade/higher T stage Neoadjuvant gemcitabine + cisplatin achieved 2-y OS 89% in phase II trial (J Urol 2019;201(Suppl 4):e999) Adjuvant gemcitabine + platinum ↑ DFS in locally advanced dz (Lancet 2020;395:1268). Any nodal involvement or distant metastasis −> stage IV dz. Tx of metastatic dz is same as metastatic bladder
