
🌱 來自: IgG4-related disease

obliterative phlebitis


  • A 34-year-old man presented with a mediastinal mass that raised concern for a malignancy, but upon biopsy was found to have IgG4-RD.
    • 一名 34 歲男性因縱隔腫塊就診,懷疑 為: 惡性腫瘤,但活檢後發現有 IgG4-RD。
  • This picture shows obliterative phlebitis, a histopathologic finding that is → nearly pathognomonic of IgG4-RD.
    • 這張照片顯示了閉塞性靜脈炎,這 是: 一種幾乎 是: IgG4-RD 特有特徵的 → 組織病理學發現。
  • The vein is → clearly outlined, but its lumen is → nearly completely replaced with the same inflammatory infiltrate present elsewhere in the lesion.
    • 靜脈輪廓清晰,但其管腔幾乎完全被病變其他部位存在 ↣ 的 → 相同炎症浸潤所取代。
  • Obliterative arteritis (as opposed to phlebitis) can also occur, particularly in the lung, but is → much less common than is → venous involvement in IgG4-RD.
    • 閉塞性動脈炎 (與靜脈炎相反) 也可能發生,特別 是: 在 ↣ 肺部,但比 IgG4-RD 中的 → 靜脈受累要少得多。