Cluster headache

and other trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (TACs) (Continuum 2018;24:1137) Characterized by unilateral headache a/w ipsilateral autonomic sx (rhinorrhea, red/tearing eye, miosis, ptosis, lid edema, sweating), subtypes differentiated by timing. Cluster: ♂ >♀, unilateral pain w/ autonomic sx & restlessness; attacks 15 min–3 h, up to 8/d (circadian). Rx: high-flow O2 (12–15 L/min), sumatriptan. Ppx: CCB (verapamil). Paroxysmal hemicrania: similar to cluster, but ♀ >♂, attacks 2–30 min. Rx: indomethacin. Hemicrania continua: ♀ >♂, ice pick–like pain lasting >3 mo. Rx: indomethacin. Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform HA (SUNA/SUNCT): ♂ >♀, excruciating, stabbing, electrical pain, 5 sec–4 min, up to 200×/d. Rx: lamotrigine, gabapentin, topiramate.