
🌱 來自: bacterial arthritis

Additional diagnostic studies of bacterial arthritis

  • Synovial fluid:
    • WBC usually >50k (Se 62%, Sp 92%) but can be <10k, >90% polys;
    • Gram stain ⊕ in ~75% of Staph, ~50% of GNR;
    • Cx ⊕ in >90%;
    • synovial bx most sens.
  • Leukocytosis (Se 90%, Sp 36%);
  • elevated ESR/CRP (Se >90%)
  • Blood cultures ⊕ in >50% of cases, ~80% when more than 1 joint involved
  • X-rays of joints should be obtained but usually normal until after ~2 wk of infection when may see bony erosions, joint space narrowing, osteomyelitis, and periostitis
  • CT & MRI useful esp. for suspected hip infection or epidural abscess