
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis

  • ↑↑ immune activity;
  • failure to ↓ activated macrophages by NK cells/CTLs → ↑ cytokines (IFNλ, IL18) → macrophages phagocytize other blood cells, cytokine storm, organ failure
  • Triggered by disruption of immune homeostasis:
    • immune activation (infxn, autoimmune flare) or immunodeficiency;
    • ~25% familial (mutations in perforin-mediated cytotoxicity)
  • HLH 2/2 rheumatologic disease termed macrophage activation syndrome (MAS)
  • Fever, ↑ spleen, cytopenias, ↑ TG, ↓ fibrinogen, ↑ LFTs, hemophagocytosis, ↓ NK cell activity, ↑ ferritin, ↑ soluble IL2R;
  • H-score for HLH likelihood (Arthritis Rheum 2014;66:2613)
  • Rx trigger (eg, rheum flare w steroids/biologics);
    • if insufficient, HLH-04 protocol
      • etoposide + steroids ± CsA ± intrathecal MTX;
      • BMT if genetic or relapsed/refractory; Blood 2017;130:2728
    • anti-IL1/IVIg/steroids (Lancet Rheumatol 2020:2:e358),
    • emapalumab (anti-IFNγ) (NEJM 2020;382:1811);
  • high mortality if no Rx (Blood 2019;133:2465)