herpes zoster

Definition & etiology

  • Painful vesicular rash in a peripheral nerve distribution due to reactivation of VZV
  • Spread by contact with active lesion (prior to crusting) in uncomplicated zoster or via airborne transmission in disseminated zoster Clinical manifestations complications-herpes zoster


  • Clinical diagnosis if uncomplicated. Confirm with PCR (most sensitive), DFA, and viral culture (allows for resistance testing) of vesicular fluid (scrape from unroofed vesicle).

Treatment prevention-herpes zoster

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Herpes zoster is a painful vesicular rash in a peripheral nerve distribution due to reactivation of VZV. It is spread by contact with active lesion (prior to crusting) in uncomplicated zoster or via airborne transmission in disseminated zoster.

The diagnosis is clinical if uncomplicated. It can be confirmed with PCR (most sensitive), DFA, and viral culture (allows for resistance testing) of vesicular fluid (scrape from unroofed vesicle).

Treatment is with antiviral therapy (oral acyclovir, famciclovir, valacyclovir) and pain control. Prevention is with VZV vaccination in people >= 60 years.


帶狀皰疹是由於 VZV 的再激活而在周圍神經分佈中出現的疼痛性水皰性皮疹。在無並發症的帶狀皰疹中,它通過接觸活動性病變(在結痂之前)傳播,或在播散性帶狀皰疹中通過空氣傳播傳播。

如果不復雜,診斷是臨床的。可以通過 PCR(最敏感)、DFA 和病毒培養(允許進行耐藥性測試)水泡液(從無頂水泡中刮取)來確認。

治療包括抗病毒治療(口服阿昔洛韋、泛昔洛韋、伐昔洛韋)和鎮痛。預防是在 >= 60 歲的人群中接種 VZV 疫苗。