🌱 created from: anal cancer


  • 1st line:
    • Nigro Protocol in 1970s established chemoRT as standard compared to APR; chemoRT is superior to RT (JCO 1997;15:2040)
    • Chemo:
      • Capecitabine + MMC or infusional 5-FU + MMC.
      • Infusional 5-FU w/ bolus MMC as above (JCO 1996;14:2527).
      • Capecitabine, Mon–Fri on days of RT, also widely used based on retrospective data (Br J Cancer 2014;111:1726) & other small studies. 5-FU + cis may be considered if MMC contraindicated
  • Radiation:
    • Dosing of ≤59 Gy is sufficient,
    • w/ no additional benefit to high-dose RT or induction chemo (ACCORD-03, JCO 2009;27:4033);
    • Rx breaks should be minimized, but may be necessary due to
      • acute anoproctitis,
      • perineal dermatitis, or cytopenia.
    • Chronic adverse effects may include anal ulcers, stenosis, & necrosis
  • IMRT:
    • ↓ Tox & effective (J Radiat Oncol 2012;1:165); IMRT is acceptable only at experienced centers (must avoid “marginal-miss” ↓ in local control)
  • 3-fold ↑ pelvic fracture risk in women s/p RT
  • Women should be considered for vaginal dilator to reduce vaginal stenosis
  • Post-Rx follow-up:
    • DRE 8–12 weeks after Rx.
    • If regression w/o CR,
      • repeat DRE in 4 wks.
    • Pts w/ persistent dz may be followed for up to 6 mos, provided there is no progression.
    • If CR,
      • repeat DRE, inguinal exam q3–6mos for 5 y, anoscopy every 6–12 mos for 3 y, annual CT C/A/P for 3 y
  • HIV pts w/ adequate T4 counts & undetectable viral load should be treated w/ same protocols.
    • Data suggests similar ORR & OS but ↑ skin tox & local relapse