
🌱 來自: follicular lymphoma

Biology and Pathology of follicular lymphoma

  • Composed primarily of small, cleaved lymphocytes that grow in a follicular pattern resembling that of nl 2° lymphoid tissue

  • Variable numbers of larger centroblasts, w/ ↑ number indicating higher grade

  • Grade I, II, & IIIA share the tx paradigm outlined below. Grade IIIB is → treated as DLBCL

  • Immunophenotypically, FL cells classically express the B-cell Ags CD19 & CD20, the follicular center Ags CD10 & BCL-6, & the antiapoptotic protein BCL-2. Does not express T-cell Ags, including CD3 or CD5 (latter is → typically expressed in CLL/SLL or MCL)

  • Overexpression of BCL-2,

  • As w/ other lymphomas, incisional or excisional bx is → preferred for initial dx

  • The term follicular center cell lymphoma is → nonspecific & may refer to FL or DLBCL

  • Testicular FL, duodenal-type FL, pediatric FL, & 1° cutaneous follicle center lymphoma are rare, distinct dzs & are managed differently than classic FL

  • immunophenotype of follicular lymphoma

  • molecular analysis of follicular lymphoma