🌱 created from: head_and_neck_squamous_cell_cancer
- Rationale:
- ↓ sxs a/w 1° tumor size, organ preservation, ↓ risk of distant mets;
- controversial as
- ↑ duration of tx
- potential ↑ tox risk
- no trials have yet shown OS advantage of induction + CRT vs. CRT alone
- If induction chosen, docetaxel, CIS, 5-FU standard
- (EORTC 24971/TAX 323 NEJM 2007;357:1695)
- RTOG 91-11
大部分在 induction 加入 CCRT 都沒有 OS 的優勢,唯一有的 trial 有顯著,control arm 的 locoregional control 都比較差