
🌱 來自: acute leukemia

clinical manifestations of acute leukemia

  • Cytopenias → fatigue (anemia), infection (neutropenia), bleeding(thrombocytopenia)

Leukostasis (more in AML):

  • blast >50k,
  • ↓ SaO2,
  • HA,
  • blurry vision,
  • confusion,

  •  Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) from rapid turnover of cells
  •  Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC; especially with APL)
  • leukemic infiltration of skin
  • gingiva (esp. with monocytic subtypes);
  • chloroma (myeloid sarcoma):
  • extramedullary tumor of leukemic cells
  • anterior mediastinal mass and SVC syndrome (T-ALL/LBL)
  • hepatosplenomegaly (ALL and monocytic leukemias);
  • CNS (~10% of ALL; also in monocytic >myeloid leukemias) : cranial neuropathies, headache