
🌱 來自: Exudates

Exudates by lung parenchymal infection

  • Bacterial (parapneumonic):
    • can evolve along spectrum of exudative (but sterile) → fibropurulent (infected fluid) → organization (fibrosis & formation of rigid pleural peel).
    • Common causes:
      • Strep pneumo,
      • Staph aureus,
      • Strep milleri,
      • Klebsiella,
      • Pseudomonas,
      • Haemophilus,
      • Bacteroides,
      • Peptostreptococcus,
      • mixed flora in aspiration pneumonia.
  • Mycobacterial:
    • hemogram > 50% lymphs 80% of the time,
    • ADA >40, pleural bx ~70% Se
  • Fungal, viral (usually small), parasitic (eg, amebiasis, echinococcosis, paragonimiasis)