
🌱來自: checklist

Sepsis checklist

  • Use a sepsis screening tool (e.g., SIRS criteria) in at-risk patients.
  • Obtain IV access and blood samples including 2 sets of blood cultures and serum lactate.
  • Begin continuous cardiac and respiratory monitoring.
  • Consider invasive BP monitoring and central venous line insertion if septic shock is present.
  • Initiate fluid resuscitation with 30 mL/kg of crystalloid fluid.
  • Add vasopressors if shock persists despite adequate fluid resuscitation.
  • Provide respiratory support as needed.
  • Start empiric broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy (within 1 hour for septic shock or high PTP of sepsis).
  • Conduct frequent reassessments, e.g., hemodynamic parameters, serial serum lactate, fluid balance monitoring
  • Complete evaluation for organ dysfunction, e.g., CBC, BMP, liver chemistries, blood gas, coagulation panel
  • Consider additional imaging and cultures (urine, wound, sputum) based on clinical suspicion.
  • Arrange source control for sepsis, e.g., remove infected intravascular catheters, consult surgery for acute abdomen
  • Start supportive care, e.g., maintenance of normoglycemia, nutritional support, VTE prophylaxis
  • Identify and treat complications, e.g., DIC, ARDS, AKI