
Light micrograph showing lupus membranous nephropathy


Light micrograph of lupus membranous nephropathy. The changes are similar to those in any form of membranous nephropathy with diffuse thickening of the glomerular capillary wall being the major abnormality (short arrows). Focal areas of mesangial expansion and hypercellularity (long arrows) are the only findings suggestive of an underlying disease such as lupus, although they can also be seen in idiopathic membranous nephropathy.

狼瘡膜性腎病的 → 光顯微照片

  • 這些變化與任何形式的 → 膜性腎病相似,主要異常 是: 腎小球毛細血管壁瀰漫性增厚 (短箭頭)
  • 系膜擴張和細胞增多 (長箭頭) 的 → 局灶性區域 是: 提示狼瘡等潛在 ↣ 疾病的 → 唯一發現,儘管它們也可見於特發性膜性腎病。

TLDR: 一長一短