
treatment of primary myelofibrosis (PMF)🚧 施工中

treatment of primary myelofibrosis (PMF) 

(Am J Hematol 2021;96:145)

• In absence of adverse prognostic factors (eg, anemia or sx) → no treatment

• Allogeneic HSCT only potential cure → consider in young Pts w/ high-risk disease

• Supportive care: transfusions; ESA if Epo <500 (risk ↑ splenomegaly); consider androgens vs. immunomodulatory agents (eg, lenalidomide) + prednisone; hydroxyurea; ? splenectomy if refractory to transfusions, failed chemoRx, painful splenomegaly

JAK inh:

  • ruxo-LI-tinib (JAK1/2) ↓ sx, ↓ splenomegaly, ↑ survival; preferred (NEJM 2012;366:787 & 799);
  • fedratinib (JAK2; JAMA Oncol2015;1:643)
  • pacritinib & momelotinib under study

Median survival

  • ~6 y (JCO 2012;30:2981)
  • transformation into AML occurs at a rate of ~8%/y