
🌱 來自: Huppert’s Notes

Rash🚧 施工中


•   Approach to the patient with a rash:

-   General approach: Typically, start with a physical exam before taking an extensive history

-   Where is the rash? (Site of onset? How has it progressed or spread? Is there a specific distribution? Terms: Localized, diffuse, flexural, dermatomal)

-   What does it look like? (Size? Flat or raised? Shape? Color? Terms: Macule, plaque, annular, salmon-colored)

-   Are there any associated symptoms? (Itching or burning? Skin pain? Systemic symptoms?)

-   Recent medications and skin care products? (Ask about prescribed and over-the-counter medications as well as herbal remedies, soaps, and lotions)

-   Allergies?

-   Occupational exposures or recent travel history?

-   Ongoing or recent illnesses?

-   Are there any red flags that warrant urgent dermatologic consultation? (Skin pain? Blistering? Mucous membrane involvement? Extensive body surface area (BSA) involvement? Purpura? Immunocompromise?)

•   Steps to describing a rash: It is helpful to have a systematic approach (See Figure 11.2)

FIGURE 11.2: Five steps to describe a rash.