computed tomogram in central nervous system infection

什麼情況下要先做CT再做Lumbar Puncture:📚

The most appropriate sequence in managing a patient with suspected bacterial meningitis and a new-onset, 10-second seizure is to obtain blood cultures, then initiate dexamethasone and empiric antimicrobial therapy, and then obtain a CT scan of the head (before performing a lumbar puncture)

  • 處理疑似細菌性腦膜炎和新發 10 秒癲癇發作的患者最合適的順序是進行血液培養,然後開始Dexamethasone和經驗性抗菌治療,然後進行頭部 CT 掃描(在進行腰椎檢查之前
  • 因為對於顱內壓升高的患者,腰椎檢查存在腦幹突出和死亡的風險;
  • 其他要先做CT的還包括:局灶性神經功能缺損、免疫功能低下者、有視乳頭水腫證據或中度至重度意識水平受損者。