
(CJASN 2020;15:1848)

Saline-responsive etiologies require

  1. initiating event and
  2. maintenance phase

Initiating event: net HCO3− reabsorption (due to loss of volume, Cl-, and/or K+) or loss of H+

  • Loss of H+ (± Cl-) from GI tract, kidneys, or transcellular shift in hypokalemia
  • Contraction alkalosis: loss of HCO3—poor fluid → extracellular fluid “contracts” around fixed amount of HCO3- → ↑ HCO3- concentration
    • 流失掉酸液
  • Exogenous alkali:
  • Posthypercapnia:
    • resp. acidosis →
    • compensation with H+ excretion and HCO3- retention;
    • rapid correction of hypercapnia (eg, intubation) → transient excess HCO3-

Maintenance phase

  • Volume depletion
    • → ↑ ATII
    • → ↑ PCT reabsorption of HCO3- & ↑ aldosterone (see below)
  • Cl- depletion
    • → ↓ Cl- uptake in macula densa
    • → ↑ RAS & ↑ CCD Cl-/HCO3- exchanger
  • Hypokalemia
    • → transcellular K+/H+ exchange;
    • intracellular acidosis
    • → HCO3- reabsorption and ammoniagenesis & ↑ distal H+-K+-ATPase activity
    • → HCO3- retention
  • Hyperaldosteronism (1° or 2°)
    • → ↑ CCD α-intercalated H+ secretion w/ HCO3- retention & Na+ reabsorption in principal cell → H+ secretion (for electrical neutrality)