
Relapsing polychondritis

(Rheumatology 2018;57:1525)

  • Inflammatory destruction of cartilaginous structures;
  • typical onset age 40-60, ♂=♀, <1/million per y incidence
  • Subacute onset of red, painful, and swollen cartilage;
  • ultimately atrophic & deformed
  • Multiple sites of cartilaginous inflammation:
    • bilateral auricular chondritis,
    • nonerosive inflammatory arthritis,
    • nasal chondritis,
    • laryngeal or tracheal chondritis,
    • valvulopathy. Ocular inflammation and cochlear/vestibular dysfxn also common.
  • 40% of cases a/w
    • immunologic disorder (eg, RA, SLE, vasc., Sjögren’s),
    • cancer or MDS (including VEXAS; NEJM 2020;383:2628)
  • Labs: ↑ ESR & CRP, leukocytosis, eosinophilia, anemia of chronic inflammation
  • Bx (not req for dx): proteoglycan
    • depletion, perichondrial inflammation and replacement with granulation tissue and fibrosis;
    • immunofluorescence with Ig and C3 deposits
  • Screen for pulm (PFTs, CXR/CT, ± bronch) and cardiac (ECG, TTE) involvement
  • Rx guided by disease activity/severity:
    • steroids 1st line;
    • NSAIDs/dapsone for arthralgias, mild disease;
    • MTX, AZA, or biologics steroid-sparing;
    • cyclophosph if organ-threatening