Lancet 2016;387:2036; JASN 2016;27:1278)
參考 ➡️ Mayo clinic/renal pathology society consensus report on pathologic classification, diagnosis, and reporting of GN 參考 ➡️ Primary glomerulonephritides
↑ glomerular inflammation → endothelial & podocyte injury
Histology: proliferative (↑ cells), sclerosing (scar), necrotizing (areas cell death). Focal (<50% of glomeruli) to diffuse to crescentic. Segmental (<50% tuft) to global (100%).
Clinically: hematuria w/ dysmorphic red blood cell or RBC casts, ± subnephrotic proteinuria often w/ AKI, HTN, edema
Progression: acute ≈ days; rapid progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN) ~6 wk; chronic ≈ mos; can be asx