
Light micrograph showing proliferative lupus nephritis


Light micrograph showing a proliferative pattern in lupus nephritis, characterized by areas of cellular proliferation (arrows) and by thickening of the glomerular capillary wall (due to immune deposits) that may be prominent enough to form a “wire loop” (arrowheads). Although proliferative changes can be focal (affecting less than 50% of glomeruli), disease of this severity is → usually diffuse.

光學顯微照片顯示狼瘡性腎炎的 → 增殖模式,其特徵 是: 細胞增殖區域 (箭頭) 和腎小球毛細血管壁增厚 ( ∵ 由於免疫沉積) ,其可能足夠突出以形成“線環” (箭頭)

  • 儘管增殖性變化可能 是: 局灶性的 → (影響 ✖ 不到 50% 的 → 腎小球) ,但這種嚴重程度的 → 疾病通常 是: 瀰漫性的 → 。

TLDR: 黃箭: proliferative change