
🌱 來自: Huppert’s Notes

Chest Tubes🚧 施工中

Chest Tubes

•   Description: Flexible plastic tube placed into the pleural space (or mediastinum) through the chest wall for drainage of air, fluid, or pus

•   Indications:

-   Air (tension pneumothorax)

-   Fluid (hemothorax, persistent effusion; do NOT put in for hepatohydrothorax)

-   Pus (empyema)

•   Components: Three-bottle system (Figure 2.14)

FIGURE 2.14: The chest tube: A “three-bottle” system. A chest tube uses a three bottle system for fluid collection, forming a water seal, and controlling suction.

-   Collection trap – Tubes on right side

-   Water seal (gradient to flow out) – Look for air leak in form of bubbles

-   Suction to wall (with suction regulator) – Normal to see bubbles

•   Parameters to report on rounds:

-   Suction: Is the tube on water seal or suction? If on suction, at what pressure (measured in cm H2O)?

-   Volume: How much has the chest tube drained? What is the rate of drainage and is it increasing/decreasing?

-   Quality: What color is the fluid that has drained?

-   Air leak: Is there an air leak?