
🌱 來自: Eczematous Dermatoses

contact dermatitis

  • Pathophysiology: Two types - irritant is → more common than allergic
  • Irritant: Direct damage to the skin from harsh chemicals, soaps, or detergents - Allergic: Type IV hypersensitivity reaction to a particular antigen (e.g., poison oak/ivy, nickel, iodine, bacitracin); sensitized T-cells trigger an eczematous eruption at ↣ the site of contact
  • Clinical features: Intensely pruritic erythematous papules and vesicles in the exposed areas
  • Treatment: Avoid causative agents; severe eruptions may require topical glucocorticoids or systemic steroids; if dermatitis is → severe or life-altering (e.g., job threatening) consider patch testing to determine cause