Renal potassium losses

Hypotensive or normotensive

  • acidosis: DKA, RTA : distal RTAs (type I) > proximal RTAs (type II)
  • alkalosis: diuretics (thiazide >loop), vomiting/NGT drainage (via 2° hyperaldosteronism)
  • Bartter’s syndrome (loop of Henle dysfxn→ furosemide-like effect; JASN 2017;28:2540)
  • Gitelman’s syndrome (DCT dysfxn→ thiazide-like effect (KI 2017;91:24)
  • drugs: acetaminophen overdose, PCN, gent., ampho, foscarnet, cisplatin, ifosfamide
  • ↓ Mg: less Mg to inhibit principal cell ROMK channel, ∴ ↑ K secretion (JASN 2010;21:2109)

Hypertensive: mineralocorticoid excess