Polyarteritis nodosa

  • 多發性動脈炎(PAN) 是:一種全身性壞死血管炎,最初於 1866 年由 Adolph Kussmaul  和  Rudolph Maier 描述

  • 它通常影響中型動脈血管,但也可以 󰶻 影響小型動脈血管

  • 不像其他小型動脈血管炎,多發性動脈炎並  不通常  與  抗中性粒細胞質抗體(ANCA)相關

  • 一種全身性疾病過程,儘管存在  一種稱 為:皮膚多發性動脈炎(CPAN)的  疾病有限形式

  • Usually middle-aged males.

  • Hepatitis B seropositivity in 30% of patients.

    • Fever,
    • weight loss,
    • malaise,
    • headache.
  • GI: abdominal pain, melena.

  • Hypertension, neurologic dysfunction, cutaneous eruptions, renal damage.

(“classic” PAN) (Nat Rev Rheumatol 2017;13:381)

  • Necrotizing nongranulomatous vasculitis of medium & small arteries (w/in muscular media) w/o glomerulonephritis or capillary involvement (ie, no DAH), not a/w ANCA
  • Incidence ~2/million/y; ↑ in HBV-endemic areas; ♂ >♀; av. age ~50; 10% HBV-assoc
  • Clinical manifestations of Polyarteritis nodosa
  • Dx (Arthritis Care Res 2021;73:1061): ↑ ESR/CRP; r/o ANCA, HBV; ↓ C3/C4 if HBV-assoc.


  • (mesenteric or renal vessels) → microaneurysms & focal vessel narrowing
  • string of beads on angiogram CTA or MRA may be adequate for dx, but conventional angiogram is 󰶻most sensitive Biopsy (nerve, deep-skin, or affected organ) → vasculitis of small and medium a. w/ fibrinoid necrosis w/o granulomas
  • Rx: based on severity; steroids ± DMARD (MTX, AZA; CYC if severe); antivirals if HBV. Most dis. monophasic so consider stopping DMARD if in steroid-free remission at 18 m.