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Lung cacer, RLL endobronchial atypical carcinoid, neuroendocrine tumor G2, s/p RLL sleeve lobectomy with RLND on 2021/7/7, pT2bN2b(3/14), angiolymphatic invasion+, mitotic figures (up to 4 mitotic figures per 2 mm2), Ki-67: 21%, no necrosis s/p adjuvant E+P*4 (2021/8/19~2021/11/5)

  • Initial presentation:
  • check for functioning tumor or not: ask s/s such as bronchoconstrition, cardiac valvular fibrosis
  • Treatment plan:
  • 2021/8/3: Explain the purpose of adjuvant chemotherapy is decrease risk of local recurrence or distant metastasis but not 100% prevention. @ Adjuvant chemotherapy will be given 48 weeks post operation on (6th week). Arrange admission for #1 E+P on 00/00, arrange admission for #1 and check lab. @ Vascular assessment, nutritional assessment, dental check, pharmacist education before chemotherapy. @ need to check CGA, gastrin and viral marker. **Follow up parameters: Post op 312 month H&P Biochemical markers as indicated Abdominal +- pelvic CT or MRI Chest CT w/ or w/out contrast

1y post op to 10y Every 12~24 month H&P Biochemical markers as indicated Abdominal +- pelvic CT or MRI Chest CT w/ or w/out contrast 10yr Consider surveillance as clinically indicated
