
🌱 來自: Systolic Murmurs

flail radiates

Flail Mitral Leaflet  連枷二尖瓣小葉

  • The apical impulse is enlarged. A parasternal impulse is noted synchronous with the radial pulse. The pulmonic closure sound (P2) is palpable in the left second interspace.
    • 心尖搏動增大
    • 胸骨旁脈衝與橈動脈脈衝同步
  • 左側第二間隙可觸及肺動脈關閉音 (P2)
    • Soft S1. 軟 S1
  • Grade 4 coarse systolic crescendo decrescendo murmur with soft thrill.
    • 4 級粗收縮期漸強漸弱雜音,伴有輕柔的  震顫
  • Single S2 with loud P2.
    • 單個 S2 和響亮的 P2
  • Soft intermittent S3. 軟間歇 S3
    • No diastolic murmur. 無舒張期雜音