qv: HD-MTX containing regimen


MTX is a folic acid antagonist. DNA synthesis is inhibited by inhibition of dihydrofolate reductase, which provides reduced folates for purine synthesis. The liquor half-time is approximately 4–8 h. For this reason, a protocol has been established, where MTX is injected twice weekly for treatment induction and, when required, weekly for consolidation.

MTX 是葉酸拮抗劑。

  • 10 or 12 mg twice a week for four weeks or until cytology becomes negative for malignant cells.
  • leucovorin (10 mg twice daily for three days
    • To minimize the risk of systemic methotrexate toxicity
    • to all patients to minimize myelosuppression related to methotrexate leaving the CSF and entering the bloodstream before being eliminated by the kidneys.

Side effects

  • Renal insufficiency, resulting in delayed excretion of methotrexate
  • Pleural effusion or ascites, which can accumulate methotrexate and then slowly release drug into the systemic circulation (the “third space” effect)
  • Abnormal CSF flow, prolonging release of methotrexate from the CSF into the systemic circulation

from: Treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus 󰒖

  • Arthritis (preferred over MMF/AZA)
  • Skin disease & serositis
  • Myelosuppression, alopecia, hepatotoxicity, stomatitis,
  • pneumonitis, teratogen