Test-results-noninvasive evaluation of CAD
- Stress testing (J Nucl Cardiol 2016;23:606; EHJ 2020;41:407)
- Exercise-tolerance-test (w/ ECG alone)
- Pharmacologic-stress-test (nb, requires imaging because ECG not interpretable)
- Imaging-for-stress-test
High-risk test results (PPV ~50% for LM or 3VD, ∴ consider coronary angio)
ECG: ST ↓ ≥2 mm or ≥1 mm in stage 1 or in ≥5 leads or ≥5 min in recovery; ST ↑; VT
Physiologic: ↓ or fail to ↑ BP, <4 METS, angina during exercise, Duke score ≤–11; ↓ EF
Radionuclide: ≥1 lg or ≥2 mod. reversible defects, transient LV cavity dilation, ↑ lung uptake
Myocardial viability (Circ CV Imaging 2020;13:e53)
Coronary CT angiography (JCCT 2021;15:192)