Diagnostic studies-chronic pancreatitis

(Pancreas 2014;43:1143; Am J Gastro 2020;115:322)

  • Labs:

    • amylase/lipase ↑ early,
    • may be nl later. ⊕ fecal fat,
    • ↓ stool elastase & A1AT.
    • Mixed TG breath test alternative to stool elastase.
    • ✓A1c,
    • consider IgG4/ANA & genetic testing if young or ⊕ FHx.
    • If dx w/ CP,
      • measure baseline fat-soluble vitamins (ADEK).
  • Imaging: Ca2+ on KUB/CT. ERCP/MRCP/EUS: high sens for dx; may show stricture, dilated ducts. IV secretin stim w/ MRI may ↑ dx yield. Panc fxn testing not widely available.