

Encorafenib, Binimetinib, and Cetuximab in BRAF V600E-Mutated Colorectal Cancer | NEJM

Encorafenib, Binimetinib, and Cetuximab in Patients with BRAF V600E-Mutant Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Updated Overall Survival Results from a Randomized, Open-Label, Phase 3 Trial (BEACON CRC)

  1. Design
    • Open-label, Phase 3 trial
    • Multi-center
    • Randomized
    • Three treatment groups:
      • Triplet-therapy group: encorafenib, binimetinib, and cetuximab
      • Doublet-therapy group: encorafenib and cetuximab
      • Control group: investigator’s choice of cetuximab and irinotecan or cetuximab and FOLFIRI
  2. Number of patients: 665
  3. Patients characteristics:
    • Metastatic colorectal cancer with BRAF V600E mutation
    • Disease progression after one or two previous regimens
  4. Agent:
    • Encorafenib
    • Binimetinib
    • Cetuximab
  5. Treatment line: Second or third-line therapy
  6. Trial Name/NCT Number: BEACON CRC number - NCT02928224
  7. Comparison of two groups:
EndpointTriplet-therapy groupControl group
Overall survivalMedian of 9.0 months (hazard ratio for death, 0.52; 95% CI, 0.39 to 0.70; P<0.001)Median of 5.4 months
Confirmed response rate26% (95% CI, 18 to 35)2% (95% CI, 0 to 7)
Overall survival in doublet-therapy group vs. control groupMedian of 8.4 months (hazard ratio for death vs. control, 0.60; 95% CI, 0.45 to 0.79; P<0.001)Not reported
  1. Other findings:
    • Adverse events of grade 3 or higher occurred in 58% of patients in the triplet-therapy group, in 50% in the doublet-therapy group, and in 61% in the control group.
  2. Summary: The BEACON CRC trial evaluated the efficacy and safety of encorafenib, binimetinib, and cetuximab in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer with BRAF V600E mutation. The triplet-therapy group showed a significantly longer median overall survival and a higher confirmed response rate compared to the control group. The doublet-therapy group also showed a longer median overall survival compared to the control group. Adverse events of grade 3 or higher were more common in the control group. These findings suggest that encorafenib, binimetinib, and cetuximab could be a valuable treatment option for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer with BRAF V600E mutation.